Chain CC In Arenas And Rated Battlegrounds
Chain Crowd Control in Rated Battlegrounds is something that the highest ranked teams have mastered.
This means keeping an enemy, usually a caster, completely helpless during the course of the fight.
You can either make this a team effort or a solo effort.
To do this properly you must have a good set of macros and binds to be able to target the person you want to chain CC.
You should also have a decent add on that easily shows you the time that the enemy has been CCed.
CC's can often be broken by damage, or they just run out before they say they should.
For this reason you should always over CC the target.
After about half of stated time on the CC, you should re-CC the target.
A common mistake in chain CCing is unexpected trinketing.
If you notice that they get out of the CC immediately, it could be due to a trinket.
Common practice for classes that you expect to have a trinket is to CC two times in a row.
This means casting the spell and then immediately casting it again, expecting the enemy to trinket out of the first one.
The next step is to properly maintain distance from both your primary and secondary targets.
If you are trying to CC an enemy as a team, the main difficulties come with the order at which to CC.
Often times classes become incapacitated or occupied in a battle and can't properly CC the required enemy.
It is recommended that one person is assigned to initially CC an enemy, and if they are unable, to have a backup CC already assigned to the task.
Try to keep your primary target close to the CCed target, but not close enough as to accidentally break it with an AoE spell.
Many forms of chain CC are chain fear, chain polymorph, intimidating shout, and tangling roots.
Each class has a form of CCing opponents, but the concept is very similar.
Warlocks will have to use multiple moves to guarantee that their CC chain runs for as long as possible.
Combing moves like Seduction and then with Fear and Death coil, make for a very effective CC with damage.
Mages should only try to chain CC classes that already have full health with polymorph, but if you are a frost mage and can CC with different movement impairing effects, you will be able to damage your enemy as well.
Warriors can use intimdating shout but it becomes less effective each time they use it.
As a hunter it is possible to chain CC frost traps.
To do this, feign death, and then lay a frost trap against a melee attacker.
Do not damage the opponent and wait for the trap to wear off, and repeat.
Learning how to chain CC effectively will greatly increase your success rate in both Battlegrounds and Arena.
This means keeping an enemy, usually a caster, completely helpless during the course of the fight.
You can either make this a team effort or a solo effort.
To do this properly you must have a good set of macros and binds to be able to target the person you want to chain CC.
You should also have a decent add on that easily shows you the time that the enemy has been CCed.
CC's can often be broken by damage, or they just run out before they say they should.
For this reason you should always over CC the target.
After about half of stated time on the CC, you should re-CC the target.
A common mistake in chain CCing is unexpected trinketing.
If you notice that they get out of the CC immediately, it could be due to a trinket.
Common practice for classes that you expect to have a trinket is to CC two times in a row.
This means casting the spell and then immediately casting it again, expecting the enemy to trinket out of the first one.
The next step is to properly maintain distance from both your primary and secondary targets.
If you are trying to CC an enemy as a team, the main difficulties come with the order at which to CC.
Often times classes become incapacitated or occupied in a battle and can't properly CC the required enemy.
It is recommended that one person is assigned to initially CC an enemy, and if they are unable, to have a backup CC already assigned to the task.
Try to keep your primary target close to the CCed target, but not close enough as to accidentally break it with an AoE spell.
Many forms of chain CC are chain fear, chain polymorph, intimidating shout, and tangling roots.
Each class has a form of CCing opponents, but the concept is very similar.
Warlocks will have to use multiple moves to guarantee that their CC chain runs for as long as possible.
Combing moves like Seduction and then with Fear and Death coil, make for a very effective CC with damage.
Mages should only try to chain CC classes that already have full health with polymorph, but if you are a frost mage and can CC with different movement impairing effects, you will be able to damage your enemy as well.
Warriors can use intimdating shout but it becomes less effective each time they use it.
As a hunter it is possible to chain CC frost traps.
To do this, feign death, and then lay a frost trap against a melee attacker.
Do not damage the opponent and wait for the trap to wear off, and repeat.
Learning how to chain CC effectively will greatly increase your success rate in both Battlegrounds and Arena.