Surviving a Marriage Break Up - Becoming Single Again!
Once you were a solid family unit and then because of an affair or other issues the whole thing fells apart.
When a couple get married they agree to try to stay together for the rest of their lives.
They build a future together based on this pledge and when it seems there is no possibility of the promises being kept they are faced with living separate lives and trying to rebuild there own uncertain futures.
If there is children involved the emotions usually run high.
The kids are suddenly living with one parent and having weekend visits with the other.
This kind of disruption in their lives can lead to health and psychological problems, which can stay with them for some time.
When a marriage breaks up there will be a lot of adjustment.
All the hopes and dreams the couple had are lying broken on the floor of their family home.
It makes you wonder if the people who are living together in divorce do not have a point.
These are couples that have decided to stay living together so they can pool their resources and keep jointly raising their kids.
In these unstable economic times these couples believe they are doing the best thing by their children and feel that it would be financially impossible to set up two households.
It seems to be working for many who are living this way but this will always be a matter of choice.
This is proof that surviving a marriage break up can come from different options.
The pain of losing a husband or wife no matter the reason is a heartache that can take time to heal.
People who go into marriage usually take their vows seriously.
A wife with a couple of kids may not be able to fully grieve while she is helping her children with the transition.
The husband who may now only be seeing his kids at the weekend may suffer terribly from the separation.
It is a very difficult time for a husband and wife as they restart their single new lives.
If the couple can communicate reasonably well then their break up may be a lot easier to deal with.
But if there is anger toward each other then the break up may be a different story.
Endings to marriages that are filled with hatred and revenge only hurt the people involved.
These kinds of feelings are then projected onto their children who side with a parent while blaming the other.
This kind of situation is damaging to the childrens mental health and will only end in a messy and agitated divorce.
Just think of the role models your children will grow up with? If you want to survive a marriage break up calm rational mediation is the key.
Try to put your emotions aside and get on with the job of dividing the assets and putting together a workable plan that will see you and your children coming through this with a positive healthy attitude.
When a couple get married they agree to try to stay together for the rest of their lives.
They build a future together based on this pledge and when it seems there is no possibility of the promises being kept they are faced with living separate lives and trying to rebuild there own uncertain futures.
If there is children involved the emotions usually run high.
The kids are suddenly living with one parent and having weekend visits with the other.
This kind of disruption in their lives can lead to health and psychological problems, which can stay with them for some time.
When a marriage breaks up there will be a lot of adjustment.
All the hopes and dreams the couple had are lying broken on the floor of their family home.
It makes you wonder if the people who are living together in divorce do not have a point.
These are couples that have decided to stay living together so they can pool their resources and keep jointly raising their kids.
In these unstable economic times these couples believe they are doing the best thing by their children and feel that it would be financially impossible to set up two households.
It seems to be working for many who are living this way but this will always be a matter of choice.
This is proof that surviving a marriage break up can come from different options.
The pain of losing a husband or wife no matter the reason is a heartache that can take time to heal.
People who go into marriage usually take their vows seriously.
A wife with a couple of kids may not be able to fully grieve while she is helping her children with the transition.
The husband who may now only be seeing his kids at the weekend may suffer terribly from the separation.
It is a very difficult time for a husband and wife as they restart their single new lives.
If the couple can communicate reasonably well then their break up may be a lot easier to deal with.
But if there is anger toward each other then the break up may be a different story.
Endings to marriages that are filled with hatred and revenge only hurt the people involved.
These kinds of feelings are then projected onto their children who side with a parent while blaming the other.
This kind of situation is damaging to the childrens mental health and will only end in a messy and agitated divorce.
Just think of the role models your children will grow up with? If you want to survive a marriage break up calm rational mediation is the key.
Try to put your emotions aside and get on with the job of dividing the assets and putting together a workable plan that will see you and your children coming through this with a positive healthy attitude.