Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Herbal Sleep Aids - The Simplest Approach To Defeat Lack Of Sleep?

If you are one among the many individuals who lie awake at night suffering from insomnia, you could have probably thought about taking sleeping tablets. Before taking any sort of medication, there are numerous things to be well thought-out. There is a huge range of sleeping medications available and their effectiveness and safety varies widely as well. Sleeping pills are a short term response to insomnia's symptoms, not a lasting solution or cure to your lack of sleep. Long term usage of sleeping pills often leads to many undesired health ailments and the majority of people only need a change in lifestyle and herbal sleep aids.

Sleeping pills only treat the symptoms of sleeplessness and will not be a cure for it. The reasons for insomnia are several and having a sleeping pill only masks the problem. Many of the drugs utilized in sleeping pills might have serious negative effects that include absentmindedness and confusion, dry mouth and lethargy during the daytime after use. Many people develop a tolerance to these drugs and have to keep increasing their dose. People can become dependant on the sleeping pill medication and suffer from withdrawal symptoms like shaking, sweating and nausea if the medication is stopped for some reason.

The powerful medications utilized in many sleeping pills can interact with any other medications that a person might be taking. This can increase unwanted side effects of the sleeping pills and could perhaps pose a danger to people's health if they interact with other sedatives or anesthetic drugs. When sleeping pills have been in use for some time, it is possible that an even worse insomnia condition will return if ever the medication is stopped. Sleeplessness can be caused by serious physiological or psychological medical problems that must be dealt with and that could be masked by the usage of sleeping pills.

Herbal sleep aids are natural and holistic therapies that are safe to use for treating the chronic cases of insomnia. Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by the human body as a sleep aid. Some people do not produce an adequate amount of this hormone, so taking a melatonin supplement can make up for this deficiency and help ease the body back into natural circadian sleep rhythms. Many of the herbal sleep aids have been proven effective and safe over centuries of use around the world. Herbal tea prepared using chamomile is one of the best known traditional remedies for achieving refreshing sleep.

Valerian is another herbal sleep aid that has a long history of use and was often grown in medieval monasteries for use as a sedative and sleeping potion. Valerian is most effective when it is taken for an extended period of time, making it an excellent choice for all those people suffering from chronic insomnia. Passionflower is another herbal cure which has long been used for curative purposes and also a sleep aid. Kava is produced from roots of a plant grown in the South Pacific and is a very good soothing and sleep inducing agent. Lemon balm also helps to induce sleep.

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