Business & Finance Social Media

Social Media Advertising Tips With Facebook

Is Google AdWords draining your Marketing Budget? You may have been wasting your hard earned money on AdWords.
Do you know that it costs about 25 to 35% less marketing with Facebook? Facebook, one of the leaders in social media has 400 million members and growing and gets 39 billion page views every single month.
They only have 1/20th of the advertisers as in Google.
Furthermore, you have less waste of your advertising budget because your ads are more targeted.
You control the demographics; age, sex, hobby, location, education, marital status, etc.
Remember all the information you put in your profile? Well, it can target the right people for your product enabling you to drive more targeted traffic to you.
Here are a few tips you need to know about writing a great ad.
· Turn your headline into a question and increase your open rate.
(See beginning of article).
· If you use images, they need to tell a story and grab attention.
Smiling faces get more clicks.
Faces must be positive and radiant.
· Use text on your images.
· Make and keep your specific promise.
· Make your product stand out.
· Keep the ads simple.
· Use strong to call action.
· Make the user access what they came to the site for easily with no deception Facebook can disable your account if you have; · Incorrect spelling, grammar or slang · Incomplete thoughts · Irrelevant images or content · Abbreviations or symbols in place of words · Offensive language · Capitalization of words Golden rule Remember to Always Give Value.
Your landing page must have a value giving video.
(Another highly recommended social media advertising medium) Better yet, use a sandwich page between your Facebook ad and your landing page.
A relevant free e-book or video for example, would be a valued item for your sandwich page.
Bidding Tips · It is advisable to start bidding at $50 per day.
You may be able to do more based on your monthly marketing budget.
· Use cost per click instead of cost per impression · Bid half the recommended amount for 2 days then the highest recommended amount for a higher return on investment.
· Evaluate the performance of your campaign and make necessary adjustments as needed.

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