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Thursday, December 11, 2008

University Hospital

In Kate’s hospital room, Lucas brings her some water. She encourages him to go be with Chloe. Lucas expresses how much it means that Kate’s okay with the two of them. He assures Kate how happy Chloe is to help save her life, just like Joy did for Chloe years ago. Kate asks if Chloe has expressed any reservations about the surgery. Lucas fills her in on Chloe having a pre-op exam with Daniel, and afterwards she was a little nervous.

Kate tells her son that she doesn’t want to go through with the procedure unless Chloe is a hundred percent sure.

Daniel enters Chloe’s room ready for surgery. A cold Chloe tells him to give her the forms and leave her alone. Daniel asks if something’s wrong. “I think you know,” she implies. He questions if she wants to talk about what happened yesterday when he examined her. Chloe flashes back to that electric moment, then claims nothing happened. Daniel asks what the problem is. “There is no problem, except that I’ve been fasting since midnight, I’m freezing, and I’ve been waiting for an hour for a nurse to bring me an extra blanket, and I’m just," “Nervous,” interjects Daniel. An annoyed Chloe denies being nervous, she just wants to get the show on the road. Daniel says he’ll be right back with her blanket.

An agitated Chloe doesn’t want any special treatment and offers to just wait for a nurse. Lucas enters and asks if everything is okay. Chloe claims that everything’s fine, but Daniel counters that Chloe is a bit edgy about the surgery.

Chloe denies being edgy. Lucas notes Chloe’s agitation as Daniel sees that her blood pressure is rising. Daniel urges her to try and calm down, warning that they may have to call the whole thing off if they can’t get her blood pressure lowered. “We are not calling this off!” exclaims Chloe, who complains that Daniel’s hovering and driving her crazy. Lucas rubs her back in an effort to get her BP lowered. Daniel notes that her numbers are actually improving. Chloe thanks Lucas and tells Daniel he can go now. Daniel reminds her to page him if she needs anything. “I won’t need anything. I have everything I need right here,” she interjects.

After Daniel leaves the room, Lucas asks if she’s okay. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?” she complains. The two are later making out before Lucas suggests that they stop. A nurse enters to hook Chloe’s IV up and tells her she needs to remove her jewelry, including her engagement ring. Chloe takes it off and asks Lucas to keep it safe for her. He kisses her.

Daniel looks inside Kate’s room before entering. He asks how she’s feeling. Kate says she’s not going to complain about the nausea or fatigue, because she’s so grateful to be getting another chance. She expresses that it’s kind of hard not getting to see his face or touch him. Daniel kisses her on the forehead. She thanks him for everything and touches his face. Daniel says he doesn’t deserve the credit, since he didn’t do the research which made the procedure possible. Kate realizes Chloe might be having reservations about the surgery and wants to talk to her beforehand. She admits she’d never forgive herself if anything happened to Chloe.

Lucas wheels Chloe in Kate’s room before the surgery. Chloe assures Kate that she’s positive she wants to go through with the surgery. Kate brings up how Lucas mentioned that Chloe seemed nervous. Chloe promises that if she seems moody, it has nothing to do with Kate or Lucas. She assures Kate that this is the first day of the rest of her life. Chloe glances over at Daniel before Lucas hugs his mom and wheels Chloe out.

First Day at Titan

It’s Melanie’s first day on the job. Philip chats on the phone with Billie and gives her an update on Kate. Melanie says good morning to Steph, who isn’t receptive. She hands Philip a stack of messages. Philip asks Steph to help Melanie out. Melanie affirms to Steph that she doesn’t take orders from her. She and Steph briefly spar before Philip returns and hands Steph a file. Steph tells Philip that she couldn’t find the files of Nick’s fuel project on the server. Melanie states that the project has been put on the backburner, but offers to go down to the archives and grab them.

Kayla brings Steph her wallet and thanks her for breakfast. Melanie appears to get an idea when Kayla lays Steph’s wallet down on the desk. Kayla tells Philip that she saw Kate and assures him that from a doctor’s prospective, she’s doing remarkably well.

Melanie is tempted to snatch the wallet, but resists. Meanwhile, Philip informs the Johnson women that they’re trying to stagger Kate’s visits so they don’t wear her out. He states that Kate didn’t want Billie and Austin to fly in, but wonders if he should insist. Kayla advises Philip to do whatever his mother wants and promises to let him know if the family needs to fly in. Philip excuses himself when his phone rings. Stephanie takes her wallet before heading out with Kayla.

An employee named Sasha asks Melanie how her first day is going. Melanie snarks how her help just left her to have coffee with her mommy. Philip affirms that Steph is an unpaid intern who goes above and beyond and doesn’t want to hear that kind of talk from Mel or anyone else.

Kayla and Steph return with their coffees as Kayla wonders why her daughter didn’t tell her Melanie was working there. Steph says they hate each others guts, but she’s a big girl and can handle it. She admits that she’s stressed and can’t understand how her mom can run a hospital and have a baby. Kayla affirms that it’s because she has a wonderful family to back her up. Steph professes to love her mother and embraces her.

Melanie later brings a tray full of lunches and sets them down. Philip takes a look at his sandwich and reminds Mel that he asked for no mayo. Melanie offers to take it back, but Philip declines. She hands Steph a latte before setting the tray elsewhere. Steph and Melanie discuss a PowerPoint presentation, which isn’t going to well on Melanie’s end. Steph offers to help and insists that Philip needs them to get it done today. Melanie claims she’s doing the best she can.

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