Internet Marketing Tips - Making The Most Of Christmas Giveaways
Well, it's that time of the year again.
All the Internet marketers out there (not this one) are gathering up all the junk from the basement and giving it away.
It's heaven on the Internet for the new person who is looking for some great stuff at bargain basement prices...
But is this really so great for the consumer? And how great is it really for the merchant? Well, the way some of these things are run, it's not so great for either.
I will attempt to explain the best I can, so take notes.
Most, if not all, of these giveaways all follow the same pattern.
You get maybe 100 to 200 great products for absolutely nothing.
The problem is, in order to get these products, you have to opt in to 100 to 200 lists as each product is usually given away by a different person.
This makes life for the consumer a living nightmare, regardless of what they're getting.
As a result, what happens is that the prospect gets discouraged and doesn't bother going through the process of getting all the products, if any at all.
So the purpose of the giveaway, to build an opt in list, is defeated.
The prospect gets nothing and the merchants don't build their list.
I've seen this happen way to often.
So what's the answer? How can we run Christmas giveaways and still make them successful and build our lists at the same time? The answer is actually very simple.
The main giveaway needs to be done where no opt in is required to get the products.
Now before you all get ready to lynch me, hear me out.
What you then do is, in the product itself, or attached to it, include an optional opt in to either get another product of equal or even greater value, or some additional information that will help the prospect earn an income online.
If the product given away is of great value, you don't think that the person who got it isn't going to opt in to get that other product or more information? They'd be crazy not to.
Value will bring in the customers.
That is the way it has always worked in this business.
Those who get it, get it.
Those who don't, well, they keep running Christmas giveaways that fail...
year after year.
So if you're planning on running a Christmas giveaway this year, try something different for a change.
Try just giving away the products...
no strings attached.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
All the Internet marketers out there (not this one) are gathering up all the junk from the basement and giving it away.
It's heaven on the Internet for the new person who is looking for some great stuff at bargain basement prices...
But is this really so great for the consumer? And how great is it really for the merchant? Well, the way some of these things are run, it's not so great for either.
I will attempt to explain the best I can, so take notes.
Most, if not all, of these giveaways all follow the same pattern.
You get maybe 100 to 200 great products for absolutely nothing.
The problem is, in order to get these products, you have to opt in to 100 to 200 lists as each product is usually given away by a different person.
This makes life for the consumer a living nightmare, regardless of what they're getting.
As a result, what happens is that the prospect gets discouraged and doesn't bother going through the process of getting all the products, if any at all.
So the purpose of the giveaway, to build an opt in list, is defeated.
The prospect gets nothing and the merchants don't build their list.
I've seen this happen way to often.
So what's the answer? How can we run Christmas giveaways and still make them successful and build our lists at the same time? The answer is actually very simple.
The main giveaway needs to be done where no opt in is required to get the products.
Now before you all get ready to lynch me, hear me out.
What you then do is, in the product itself, or attached to it, include an optional opt in to either get another product of equal or even greater value, or some additional information that will help the prospect earn an income online.
If the product given away is of great value, you don't think that the person who got it isn't going to opt in to get that other product or more information? They'd be crazy not to.
Value will bring in the customers.
That is the way it has always worked in this business.
Those who get it, get it.
Those who don't, well, they keep running Christmas giveaways that fail...
year after year.
So if you're planning on running a Christmas giveaway this year, try something different for a change.
Try just giving away the products...
no strings attached.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim