Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

What Every Wife Wants

Guys, do you find that you cannot answer that mystical question of what your wife wants? We will often believe the wild and weird thoughts of what our wives want instead of actually knowing.

Let's dig a little deeper on this. If you find that you agree, read on. There is help for you. Men are the cavemen of society. We still want to go out and bring back meat that we hunted for that day. We may be a little more civilized, but the thought still stands. Do you find that you equate your worthiness to your family by the amount of money or 'meat' you bring home to your wife and children? If you don't, you are light years ahead of the rest of us men. Needless to say, we will gladly work those extra couple hours per week, thinking that we are providing more for our wives and she will be pleased.

But in the process, you'll find as you increase the hours you work, your home life starts to deteriorate. Your wife smiles a little less and your kids start to become more foreign to you. You think to yourself, I'm still not working hard enough! I've got to work harder to make everyone happy. You get up an hour earlier and stay a couple of hours later. You think in your heart, I'm not really enjoying this, but my family is going to be very happy! I'll be able to get this or do that with them when I couldn't before.

This vicious cycle continues until something gives. Now's the time to stop this cycle. First things first, ask your wife what see really wants. You may be surprised that it's the same thing she wanted when she married you - you! If you offer her the choice of a new piece of jewelry and you working a couple extra hours per week, or you, I bet you'll win. And guess what she's thinking when you are working all this extra time.

She begins to think that you love your work more then you love her. She'll start to think that you don't find her pretty enough. Soon you could be in real troubles. Can you see how couples end up in divorce? Men, take the time, and make an account of your time at work and your time at home. You do need to work to provide for your family, but at the same time, don't tip the balance scales into either direction too much.

So men, what every wife wants from their husband is their husband. They want to listen to you and you to listen to them. Give her the time she needs and you'll be amazed at the results!

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