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Pests of Ornamental Plants

    • Aphids are a common pest of roses.gros plan sur roses roses fuschia image by alain zanello from Fotolia.com

      Ornamental plants are likely to be infested with a number of pests. The control of the pests on ornamentals starts with the correct identification of the problem or the pest. Pests on ornamentals lead to different symptoms in plants the most common of which are bleached foliage, dieback of plants, tattered flowers or the visible presence of the insects. The presence of many insects also creates webs and cotton-like material on plant.


    • Scales are one of the most serious pests of ornamental plants. There are two main groups of scales: armored and soft. They inflict damage by sucking plant juices and lead to stunted and poor plant growth. Scales are commonly found under leaves causing yellow spots to appear on the top. The spots get larger and if insects are not controlled in time, there is premature leaf drop. Scales also like to feed on the stems and trunks of plant. Depending on species, scales vary in size from 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter. Preventative measures for scales are to prune the infected plant parts and to avoid over fertilizing the plant. Chemical control methods include the use of horticultural oils and oil products, which are indicated to be summer or superior.

    Japanese Beetles

    • Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) are thick, oval, ½ inch long insects with green bodies and coppery wings. The beetles' larvae overwinter in the soil and resemble the larvae of scarab beetles. The Japanese beetle is greatly destructive and infests the flowers, foliage or fruit of more than 300 different agricultural and ornamental plants from 79 different plant families. The beetles feed on the plant roots and are not only difficult but also expensive to control. The insects are usually seen during summer and control methods include the weekly use of residual or contact insecticides.


    • Aphids (Aphididae) are soft, small, ¼mm long insects that damage plants by sucking sap and forming colonies on new shoots. Depending on variety, aphids can be yellow, green or white, and winged or wingless. Commonly afflicted plants include impatiens, roses and citrus hibiscus. Aphid infestation leads to stunted growth, wilting and destruction of buds, which causes poor flowering and fruit growth. In cases of severe infestation, there is distortion of leaves. Aphids are most common during spring. Aphids can be controlled with a wide range of commonly available insecticides. There is also the option to use commercial brands of chili and garlic sprays for organic gardens.

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