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Paver Stone Landscaping Ideas

    Patios and Walkways

    Driveways or Driveway Aprons

    • Rather than having a blacktop asphalt or concrete driveway, construct your driveway out of pavers. There are many interlocking varieties that a do-it-yourself homeowner can create, saving thousands of dollars. These driveways can be sealed, making oil or gas leaks easy to clean up. Another consideration is the use of pavers as a driveway apron, creating an accent to the drive with texture and color.


    • Whether you are creating a simple step up or down from a patio or walk, or a full set of stairs, pavers add an aesthetic, rustic look. Rough cut pavers provide architectural interest in the place of a common red brick or concrete step. Alternate stone color for steps and risers for added contrast.

    Garden Edging

    Grass Pavers

    • For a unique look to a garden area or a driveway, install grass pavers, which are grid-like pieces with grass or turf growing between the grids. These pavers are functional, allowing water run-off, while carrying the green theme of grass through your drive or walkway.


    • Pavers can be used to create interesting walls around your property. Small, sloping entrance walls to a front walkway or drive make an interesting focal point. Create a 2-foot border wall around your patio area. The low wall adds interest and can also function as casual seating. Use pavers to build planters into areas of the wall for low shrubs, flowers or herbs.

    Fire Pits, Fireplaces, Outdoor Kitchens

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