Health & Medical Healthy Living

Reasons to Diet

    • Strawberries aid in fighting depression.strawberries image by Joelyn Pullano from

      Changing your diet can provide many benefits to the body. A diet low in salt and fat can reduce your risk for disease, according to the Mayo Clinic. When making a drastic change in your diet, consider what venues in your community provide the healthiest options. Farmers' markets and natural food stores consist of whole, healthy foods to help you change your diet. Your local grocery stores may also carry plenty of whole food options.

    Heart Disease Prevention

    • Heart disease proves the number one killer in men and women, according to Women's Health. Going on a healthy diet will help protect against heart disease. Limiting processed foods and fatty meats will help strengthen the heart. If you eat too many saturated fats and cholesterol, plaque can build up in the arteries. Make sure your diet includes fruits, vegetables, healthy grains and lean meats to provide the best prevention of heart disease.

    Mental Health

    • Positive changes to the diet can help enhance the mood, according to the Mental Health Foundation. Adding healthy greens such as spinach, asparagus and broccoli provides folic acid in your diet, which decreases anxiety. Brown rice, oats and mushrooms add the B1 vitamin to your diet increasing concentration. Strawberries, oranges, cantaloupe and pineapple provide vitamin C, which helps fight depression.

    Weight Loss

    • If you struggle with weight, improving your diet may encourage weight loss. Fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories than candy, baked goods and fried foods. Replace unhealthy foods with fruits and vegetables, as this will help you lose weight and feel your best. Switch fatty cuts of meat such as prime rib with lean cuts of meat such as sirloin steak and you will cut calories from your meal.


    • Cut fast food and snacks from your day and you can drastically decrease the amount of money you spend on food. Try to cook all of your meals at home for the week. Not only will you cut calories, but you will also spend less money on novelty foods such as ice cream, popcorn and fast food burgers. Make a list of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains before you go to the store. This will help you stay focused on fresh foods and avoid prepackaged, unhealthy foods.

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