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Should I Let My BlackBerry Completely Die?


    • Recharging your BlackBerry’s battery when it still has energy instead of when it is completely dead is the optimal time to refill its power supply. Leaving it plugged in even after it is completely recharged can lead to an enhanced battery life and will enable you to go longer between charges. Keeping the battery fully loaded with energy can help slow down permanent power loss, a common occurrence with lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries, which are commonly used in BlackBerrys. If possible, keep your BlackBerry plugged in while using it, saving its full battery for use when you’re out of reach of a power adapter.


    • At the time of publication, most BlackBerrys come with Wi-Fi and GPS connectivity features, both of which require a lot of power to operate. Disconnecting these features when they are not being used will help enhance your device’s battery life. Turn off your BlackBerry’s 2G and 3G wireless network connectivity when you’re in places where you know you cannot get reception, such as inside a building or in an underground subway. This feature also requires a lot of energy to operate, especially when it is attempting to find a signal when you’re in areas that reception is not possible. With these applications running when not in use, your BlackBerry’s battery is more likely to die before you want it to.

    Display and Ringtones

    • Your BlackBerry’s display screen also requires a lot of energy. Minimizing its brightness level and shortening its sleep mode timer will help save energy and can help avoid completely running out of power before you’re in a position to recharge the device. The vibrate mode on your BlackBerry is a convenient feature to use when you’re in a meeting or at the movies, but it also takes more energy to operate than audible ringtones do. While audible ringtones may not be practical for some of these situations, turning the device off will save your battery while achieving the same results.

    Extended-Life Battery

    • Fresh out of the box, your BlackBerry is likely to get the battery life reported by the manufacturer. However, a mobile device’s battery quickly decreases in its capacity and, over time, will eventually produce considerably lower talk and standby times. When your device’s battery reaches the point of low battery life, an extended-life battery may be the solution for you. Most BlackBerry authorized retailers sell these types of batteries.

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