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5 Signs a Guy Likes You - Tips For Knowing If He"s Into You

All women wish they could see inside the mind and heart of their guy.
Typically men are a bit reserved when it comes to sharing their innermost feelings.
That's a bit frustrating when you're crazy in love with a man and yet you have no idea how he feels about you.
There are actually a few signs a guy likes you that will give you some insight into how emotionally connected to you he feels.
If you've been wondering exactly what he feels, here are the 5 signs a man likes you that you should be looking for: He chooses time with you over time with others.
Most women understand that in order to make a man crazy about you, you've got to afford him his freedom to make his own decisions.
One of those decisions is whether he wants to hang out with you or his friends.
If your guy is repeatedly choosing to spend more time with you when he's had invitations from friends, consider that a very positive sign.
When a man is enamored with a woman she's the person he'd most like to be with.
He introduces you to his friends and family.
This is one of the obvious signs a guy likes you.
Most men are a little hesitant when it comes to introducing the women they are dating to their close friends and family.
They usually save this privilege for someone they believe may be their one true love.
If you've already met the people closest to him, don't question how much he cares for you.
It's a lot.
He contacts you often.
Most women struggle with the issue of telephone calls in their relationships.
However, you'll quickly notice that when you're involved with a man who genuinely likes you, he'll be the one calling you all the time.
A man who feels emotionally connected to a woman loves talking with her.
If your guy tells you that he called just to hear your voice, he's falling fast for you.
He reaches for your hand.
Some men claim to not be the touchy feely type but they usually change once they meet the right woman.
When a guy likes a woman he wants to touch her.
He'll often reach for her hand or stroke her arm when they are talking.
Being close is incredibly important to a man when he's developing strong feelings for a woman.
He looks longingly into your eyes.
Another of the signs a guy likes you is he'll make eye contact with you as much as he can.
When he does catch your glance, he'll stare right into your eyes.
His eyes will open a bit wider and his expression will soften.
This means he's getting lost in you which is exactly what you want.

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