Technology Electronics

How to Install Lanzar Heritage Amps

    • 1). Mount the amp to the location you have selected. Make sure you are not drilling holes into any wires or fuel lines. Secure the amp to the car by tightening down screws through the screw holes on each corner of the amp directly into the chassis.

    • 2). Run the power cable from the amp's location to the car's battery. Drill a hole in the firewall large enough to feed the cable through. If you have the amp in the trunk, you may have to drill another hole from the trunk. Run the power cable on the left side of the vehicle if at all possible for easier installation, and to keep the power and signal cables separate.

    • 3). Connect one end of the RCA cable to the amp's audio input. The ends of the RCA cables have a red and white plugs, and the inputs on the amp are marked left and right. Plug the red plug into the right input on the amp and the white plug into the left input. There are two sets of inputs on the 4-channel amp, requiring two sets to RCAs to be connected and run to the deck.

    • 4). Run the other end of your RCA cable and the remote wire together to the back of your deck. If possible, try to run the RCA cables that carry your signal on the right side of the vehicle or at least as far from the power cable as possible. A power cable too close to the RCA cables could cause distortion. Plug the RCA cables into the "pre-outs" or "audio" outputs, and connect the remote wire to the remote turn located on the back of your deck.

    • 5). Slide the other end of the remote wire into the "remote" slot on the amp, and tighten down the screw so the wire doesn't come loose.

    • 6). Attach a ground wire to a bolt attached to your vehicle's chassis near the amp. Loosen the bolt enough to wrap the wire around it. Tighten down the bolt to hold the wire into place, making sure you have contact with bare wire and metal. Plug the other end into the "ground" slot on the amp and tighten the screw so the wire doesn't come loose.

    • 7). Slide the ring at the end of the power cable over the positive post on your car's battery. Attach the other end to the amp and tighten down the screw to hold the cable in place.

    • 8). Strip about 1 inch of jacket off both ends of your speaker wire, exposing the bare wire. Slide one end of the wire into the speaker outputs on the amp, paying attention to the positive and negative leads. Do that for both the right channel and left channel. Tighten down the screws to hold the wire into place. A 4-channel amp has two sets of speaker wires to connect.

    • 9). Connect the other end to the speakers you plan on running off the amp.

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