Christmas Gifts for Babies
- Give the baby some cozy winter clothing for Christmas. Babies grow rapidly, and chances are the baby does not have enough clothing items for the upcoming winter months. Choose an adorable winter outfit, or give something more personal. A hand-knit winter hat is sure to become a cherished item, while a waterproof bunting will allow the baby to spend some time outdoors, even in colder weather. Fuzzy pajamas with feet, long-sleeved onsies and soft, thick socks are all other winter clothing items that make great Christmas gifts for babies.
- Choose some quality indoor toys for the baby to play with during those times when the weather is too nasty to venture outside. Books with soft plastic pages are always a great gift for babies. Blocks, stuffed animals, soft balls and toy cars or dolls (make sure there are no small parts that can detach) are all favorite indoor toys that will stimulate your baby's intellectual growth. Try giving the baby a floor mat with colorful pictures that make sounds when the baby presses on them. There are even some videos that are made especially for babies. Use discretion if you choose to show these, however, as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two abstain from any TV watching.
- Purchase a gift that will encourage the baby's development. Look ahead to three or four months from Christmas, and think about where the baby will be in terms of his or her large and fine motor skills. For example, a baby might be learning how to drink from a cup and feed himself. Therefore, a good gift for the baby at Christmas could be some plastic cups, spoons and bowls. Babies that are going to be learning how to walk will love a walking push toy at Christmas. Babies that are starting to learn how to hold a crayon can benefit from some baby-sized, washable crayons stuffed in the Christmas stocking.
- Choose a keepsake for the baby this Christmas. If it's the baby's first Christmas, give her a "First Christmas" ornament engraved with the baby's name and date, or with a photo of the baby inserted inside. A personalized stocking also makes a great Christmas keepsake for a baby. Or, start a collection for the baby. For example, purchase her the first figure in a nativity scene, and continue to get one for her every year until she has a complete nativity set.