Trick & Tips for Tech Deck
- Learning how to properly move and trick with your Tech Deck will require you to practice each trick several times. Before practicing tricks, learn how to move on the deck just like you would learn to move on a regular skateboard. After you learn how to work the deck with your fingers you can learn more advanced tricks.
- Get used to the feel of your Tech Deck before you move on to any tricks. Place the deck on a flat surface, position your index finger near the center and your middle finger near the tail of the board. Move the deck back and forth increasing and decreasing the speed and pressure you put on the deck. The more familiar you become with moving the deck, the easier it will be to perform tricks.
- Before practicing a trick on your deck, practice the finger movements for the trick in the air. Run your fingers through the trick motion over and over noting how your hand moves. Hover your hand near a flat surface to understand the distance you have before you hit the surface. For example, your pinky finger might keep hitting the surface, so lift it higher to master the movements.
- Set the deck on carpeting and practice tricks from a stationary position. The carpeting will prevent excess movement allowing you to work out the tricks without losing control of the deck. Attempt the trick multiple times, then move onto a flat surface and work the trick again. The progression will ease the learning of the trick.
- Position your index finger in the center of the deck and your middle finger on the tail. Bring your middle finger down on the tail and slightly toward your body. The deck will rotate 180 degrees. Gently lift your index finger off the center of the board to allow the deck free movement. Replace your fingers after the end of the trick to complete the "shove it."
- Start the Ollie with your middle finger on the tail of the deck and your index finger near the center. Position your ring finger next to your middle finger if you need more control. Press down hard with your middle finger to pop the nose of the board up. When the deck goes up bring your index finger forward toward the nose, moving the deck along with it. Press both fingers down to land the Ollie.
- Press down hard on the back of the deck to launch it upward. Push forward and down with your index finger while lifting your middle finger off to send the deck into a forward loop. Remove your fingers completely from the deck as it spins. When the deck is in the upright position, place both fingers down onto the deck to bring it down to the ground and finish the hardflip.