Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How Can I Make My Wife Want Me More? Insightful Advice for Men

"How can I make my wife want me more?" It's a question that some married men, including you, have to ask at times. If we're being realistic we all know that a marriage that is five, ten or twenty years old isn't going to be as fresh and exciting as one that is still in the honeymoon phase. Unless a couple puts real effort and attention into their relationship it's going to get stale and mundane. In time, one partner can start to lose interest in the other. If you're a husband whose wife is pulling away, you know it can affect you in many different ways. You may feel inclined to shut yourself off emotionally but that won't help solve the problem at all. You need to find ways to make your wife want you again. If you can do that, you can totally change your marriage and make it better than it's ever been before.

In order for a woman to feel a deep sense of connection to her husband she has to feel close to him emotionally. This seems simple enough given the fact that you love her but that might not be enough if you're not expressing it to her. You can make your wife want you more if you tell her how much you want her. That sounds too easy, doesn't it? It works amazingly well though. Don't overwhelm her by suddenly pouring on the charm but do share what you feel on a more regular basis. Ensure you tell her at least once or twice a day how much you love her and appreciate her. A subtle change in your demeanor can have a lasting impact on your marriage.

You also should consider what you can do to become more like the man she married. Granted you're still the same person in many ways, but all of us change as we grow older and mature. Perhaps you've taken on character traits that she finds unappealing or you aren't nearly as kind and compassionate as you were back in the earlier days of your marriage. Your wife likely misses the man she made her wedding vows to and you're the only person who can remedy that. Think about what she loved about you when you two first started dating. Bring those parts of you back to the surface again. She'll feel like a teenager again when she realizes you're doing that for her. It will definitely help improve the dynamic between the two of you and make her see you in an entirely new light.

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