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Skin Care for Rosacea

What causes rosacea? That remains to be seen.
It is not contagious.
It may be hereditary, and people of Scottish, Welsh, Irish, English and eastern European descent note higher rates of rosacea than other ethnic groups.
What does it feel like? Most sufferers complain of itchy facial skin along with burning and stinging.
Some people may even experience edema, a swelling of the face.
Eyes can feel gritty and dry.
Swelling of the nose due to excess tissue is not uncommon.
Due to rosacea's acne-like effects, many sufferers report a feeling of lower self-confidence, and some even avoid public situations.
Symptoms include eyes that are watery, sunburn-like redness on cheeks, nose, chin or forehead, bumps or pimples, and small visible blood vessels.
It can often start as a red patch on the cheek or another part of the face, and then spread to other parts of the face.
This is not to be confused with a red, almost always smooth (no bumps or pimples) "butterfly" pattern that often appears across the bridge of the nose in those with Lupus.
It helps to keep a diary and log which items are triggers for episodes of rosacea.
In almost all cases, people who identified what triggers a rosacea onset for them had great success by simply avoiding those items.
Here are some of the most common triggers: wind, sun exposure, emotional stress, alcohol, spicy foods, strenuous exercise, hot or cold weather, hot baths, heated beverages and certain skin care products.
That being said, here's how to care for your skin if you have rosacea.
Perform a gentle cleansing of the facial skin every morning with a mild soap or non-abrasive cleanser.
Smooth it on your skin gently using your fingertips.
Avoid loofahs, brushes or sponges.
Rinse the skin with lukewarm water and gently pat skin dry with a soft towel.
Half of all rosacea sufferers tend to have dry or flaky skin.
If this is the case, use a facial skin moisturizer after cleansing.
There is no medical evidence that links rosacea with skin cancer, but sufferers may be more likely to develop skin cancer later in life because of their light complexions and their heightened sensitivity to UV radiation from the sun.
Natural treatments are effective in managing rosacea's symptoms and may include the almighty B Vitamins, hydrochloric acid supplements, pancreatic enzymes, azelaic acid, topical antibacterial herb creams, dietary modification and immune system enhancement.
Colon cleanses have also proven successful in the elimination of many disorders, including rosacea.

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