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How to Pick the Best Diet For Weight Loss and Sort Through the Duds

The best diet for weight loss is actually a pretty simple one to live by.
Yes, there will be some stuff that you'll have to get rid of, but once they're gone, you won't miss them.
For that matter, you may have already gotten rid of them if you're allergic.
The most likely change will be where you shop for food.
Having a Low Carb Diet is a Start The low carb diet programs are extremely popular.
For the most part, they're effective, so decreasing your carbs will be an important part of your diet.
There are right ways and wrong ways of doing this, though.
There are some low carb breads and pastas that use soy as a replacement for wheat flour.
These should be strictly avoided-soy is the silent killer of your diet.
Besides, these are usually the low carb products that don't taste good and have "weird" textures.
Luckily, there are all kinds of other low carb breads made from sprouted grains, flax seed flour, almond flour and other more tasty options.
The Hard Part--Quitting the Dairy Products Possibly the hardest part of an optimal weight loss plan is quitting the dairy products.
Ironically, they're considered a functional part of most low carb diets.
This is where people usually shoot themselves in the foot.
We've all been indoctrinated with the idea that "milk does a body good," but it really doesn't.
You can't absorb the calcium very well, thanks to the pasteurization process.
Honestly, you get more useful calcium from your fruits and veggies.
That's not the biggest problem with dairy, though.
The biggest problem with dairy products is that they're high in carbohydrates-the very thing you're supposed to be cutting out in a low carb diet.
Lactose is a sugar, a carbohydrate, and one that people are increasingly unable to digest.
This is the condition called "lactose intolerance," and it's a product of humans consuming something meant for cattle.
Organic Products Take Your Diet to a New Level Organic products, be they meat or vegetable, should be a central part of your plan.
This qualification isn't quite as important for weight loss in your vegetables, but it is a good choice for your overall health.
In meat, though, it's essential.
Commercially processed meat has a bad reputation among many people, and rightly so.
Unfortunately, this reputation has expanded to meat in general.
The problems of indigestibility and weight gain do not extend into organic meat.
There aren't any antibiotics to kill your digestive flora and there aren't any growth hormones or hidden carbs.
It's also naturally leaner meat, since organic cattle are allowed to roam and graze, rather than being cooped in a pen and stuffed with grains (those hidden carbs).

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