Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Fish for Clams and Oysters in Texas


    • 1). Obtain a valid, state-issued fishing license and a saltwater stamp endorsement. This is required by Texas Parks and Wildlife for anyone wishing to take oysters in state waters.

    • 2). Search for oysters on intertidal beaches and in shallow waters. They are usually in groups connected to one another or near solid objects like shells and rocks. Oysters can be harvested only from waters approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Go to for harvesting area maps or call 800-685-0361 to check the status of shellfish harvesting areas.

    • 3). Wear sturdy gloves and wading boots. Wait for the water to recede and search in mud mounds for oysters. Pick and collect them by wading through the sand or mud to the oyster mounds and then pulling through the clumps. Put your catch in the bucket.

    • 4). Go through your catch and use a shellfish gauge to measure the oysters for legal size. As of July 2011, Texas Parks and Wildlife states that you can keep only oysters three inches or larger (as measured by the greatest length of the shell). Return all illegal-sized oysters.

    • 5). Follow catch limits. A maximum of two sacks of legal oysters can be taken in Texas state waters. Each sack cannot exceed 110 pounds.


    • 1). Obtain a fishing license and a fishing stamp endorsement.

    • 2). Search in the sand of intertidal coastal beaches. Look for a hole or dimple in the sand that indicates a spot where a clam has started to dig. Clams are also found at the edge of the surf line when you dig the beach with your foot or a shovel handle. Dig carefully through mixed sand, mud and gravel using the clam shovel. Dig holes 8 to 14 inches deep.

    • 3). Ensure your clam-digging area is state-approved. Just like oysters, clams taken from public beaches must be approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services.

    • 4). Place the clams in your catch bucket and cover with a cool, damp cloth.

    • 5). Follow catch limits. You can take a maximum of 25 pounds of whole clams or a maximum of 12 pounds of clam shells per day.

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