Health & Medical Body building

2 Great Exercises to Do at Home For Quick Muscle Gains!

As a strength and conditioning professional I can tell you that successful fitness and strength programs must be innovative in order to succeed.
This is true in fitness as much as it is in the business world.
If you don't believe me then just take a look at what Apple and Steve Jobs have done with the invention of the iPhone and this new iPad creation.
Workout programs at home must always certainly have to be innovative due to a lack of equipment and space.
This is why I have included 2 hard hitting kettlebell exercises for you below to implement in the comfort of your own home.
Kettlebell Thrusters:
If you are looking to achieve fast muscle gains right at home then this exercise is right down your alley.
This particular exercise can be done with either a single kettlebell or a pair.
To execute this drill you will want to place the bell(s) on the ground at your feet.
From here you need to properly perform the clean and rack to get the bell(s) stablized at your chest.
From here you are simply going to execute a front squat while maintaining the balance and position of the kettlebell(s) in front of you at your chest.
As soon as you lock out at the top of the squat simply perform an overhead press with the bell(s) and lock out overhead.
Once you lock out the press simply lower the bell(s) back to the rack position at your chest in order to start the process all over again without setting the kettlebell(s) down on the ground until the set is complete.
Kettlebell Long Cycles:
For this particular exercise to include in your in home workouts you will only need the availability of a single kettlebell of moderate intensity.
This particular lift is very effective in helping you to build some lean muscle mass fast without the necessity of a fully stocked in home gym.
The unique thing about this exercise is that this single lift essentially includes the execution of three different lifts combined into one continuous smooth motion.
To perform the long cycle you will want to perform the single arm kettlebell swing, followed up with a clean and rack, and ending with a push press or jerk.
Once you end with the jerk then you will simply return the kettlebell to the racked position to drop it back into a swing to start the process all over again.
Each one of these lifts or movements should be seamless and continuous in transition from one to the other.
This is what makes this particular drill so effective not only for developing you superior core strength, hip power, and shoulder stability, but also with gaining the cardiovascular fitness of a world class athlete! If you haven't taken the time to include these 2 great exercises and other kettlebell lifts into your home workouts then you are missing out.
Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

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