Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Get a Sweat Smell Out of a Mattress


    • 1). Vacuum the mattress to remove excess dead skin particles.

    • 2). Place the mattress outside in the sun. The sun kills the bacteria causing the odor. The fresh air permeates the mattress fibers and aids in removing the odor. Four to six hours of sunlight should be sufficient to remove the odor.

    • 3). Return the mattress to the bedroom.

    • 4). Leave the mattress unmade and close the bedroom door for two hours.


    • 1). Vacuum the mattress.

    • 2). Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar.

    • 3). Spray a thin layer of white vinegar over the entire mattress.

    • 4). Place the mattress on its side against the wall.

    • 5). Turn on a space heater, and direct it at the mattress to dry it out.

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