I"m Tired of the Lies
I can't believe how many people tell me one thing and then someone else tells me something entirely different.
I'm tired of the lies, and it's time that we do something about it.
The only way that we are ever going to get the truth, is to find it ourselves.
I'm suggesting here today, that we quit listening to every one, who we look up to in our spiritual community and start looking for the facts.
I can't tell you how many people I listened to on a daily basis, who continually spread lies about their religion, often making these lies sound like they're telling the truth, while persecuting someone who has offended their religious beliefs.
The more that I immerse myself in religious studies, the more obnoxious some of these claims seem to be.
I hear people claiming that this religion is better than that religion, but there often isn't any proof or evidence to support these claims.
A good example of this, would be when someone says that their religious beliefs, are directly in line, with their religious text.
These people often tell you that their religious text is inerrant and without a question, the written word or the inspired word of their creator.
I have the few words that I would like to share with those people," Provide me with some satisfactory evidence to support your claims.
" That doesn't sound like too much to ask does it? If you're right and you believe that your right and you're making a statement that suggests that you're right, you should be able to support these claims, with evidence that's easy to comprehend.
If you're tired of living with the lies, you're going to need to gather some facts and facts aren't the same as beliefs.
When are you finally going to finally say enough is enough and start looking for the truth your self.
I'm tired of the lies, and it's time that we do something about it.
The only way that we are ever going to get the truth, is to find it ourselves.
I'm suggesting here today, that we quit listening to every one, who we look up to in our spiritual community and start looking for the facts.
I can't tell you how many people I listened to on a daily basis, who continually spread lies about their religion, often making these lies sound like they're telling the truth, while persecuting someone who has offended their religious beliefs.
The more that I immerse myself in religious studies, the more obnoxious some of these claims seem to be.
I hear people claiming that this religion is better than that religion, but there often isn't any proof or evidence to support these claims.
A good example of this, would be when someone says that their religious beliefs, are directly in line, with their religious text.
These people often tell you that their religious text is inerrant and without a question, the written word or the inspired word of their creator.
I have the few words that I would like to share with those people," Provide me with some satisfactory evidence to support your claims.
" That doesn't sound like too much to ask does it? If you're right and you believe that your right and you're making a statement that suggests that you're right, you should be able to support these claims, with evidence that's easy to comprehend.
If you're tired of living with the lies, you're going to need to gather some facts and facts aren't the same as beliefs.
When are you finally going to finally say enough is enough and start looking for the truth your self.