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Fix the 5 Most Common Facebook Fan Page Problems

There are a lot of social media sites that are growing in popularity these days but Facebook still remains the leader. There are billions of users on Facebook, making it an excellent tool for finding leads for your business.

But not every business gets the desired results by creating a Facebook brand page. There are plenty of pages that get almost no notice from users. It's not as easy as some people think to reach that target audience and build up a sizeable number of €Likes€ on Facebook.

There are a number of mistakes that you can be making that throw up roadblocks on the way to building up your fan base on social media. Here are a few of the most common problems that you need to correct on your fan page to help it grow.

Not Enough Likes

The tricky thing about Facebook is that, to get people to €Like€ you, they have to see that other people have €Liked€ you too. The hardest Likes to get are the first 100. After that, things get much easier. So, what do you have to do to get your initial likes?

Try this:

-Include a link to your fan page at the end of each blog post. Include a call to action to encourage your readers to become a Facebook fan.
-Share your posts on Twitter. Having a link to your fan page in your tweets makes it easier for followers to find you on Facebook.

No One Is Talking About You

When you have a fan page, you don't want people to just €like€ you. You want them to interact and engage with you as well. This is what gets people €talking about you€ on Facebook. This can be with comments, likes, shares and mentions.

Try this:

-Increase your post frequency. If you are only posting a few times a month, try to bump that up to a few times a week instead.
-Post different content. Images and videos tend to get more engagement from users. Try funny pictures, ask questions or leave words of wisdom.

People Are Only Clicking Through

If you are sharing a lot of content from your own site, people will start to see you as just a self-promoter. You want to share valuable content but you also want to observe the rules of social media karma. Be sure to share a variety of informative and fun content, not just your own. You need to inject emotion into your page, so if you find an article, a video, a picture or a quote that speaks to you, share it.

The Light Is On, But You're Not Home

If you want to see a lot of interaction from followers, then you need to be present. You can't just leave a few posts each week and then switch off. Keep an eye on your posts and see what people are saying. If followers leave a comment or a question, let them know that you are paying attention by responding to them. Mix your personality into what you post so that users know that there is a live human being on the other end of the page.

You're Too Much

While it's great to always post fun content, be responsive and engaging, there is a line between just enough and too much that you want to be mindful of. Your followers don't want their News Feeds to be crowded with your posts. You don't want to annoy your fans to the point that they decide to €Unlike€ your page.

Creating a winning Facebook page requires a balance. Once you find it, you'll be glad you put in the effort. What changes have you made to increase your Facebook fan base?

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