How to Get Anniversary Greetings or Wedding Congrats from the White House
Did you know you can receive greetings from the White House? If you know a couple who is celebrating 50 years or more of marriage, or who was just been married, you can have an anniversary greeting or wedding congratulations sent to them from the White House. You can even have the card sent to your spouse for a truly unexpected surprise!
There is a limit on the number of White House greeting requests you can submit per day.
- U.S. citizenship.
- Due to the volume of greeting requests the White House receives, I recommend requesting the anniversary or wedding cards in advance of at least several months. Your request must be received six weeks in advance of the event date. They make every effort to honor every request, but they cannot guarantee a greeting if this guideline is not met.
Where to Submit Your Anniversary Greeting Requests:
There are three ways to submit your request for a White House anniversary greeting.- 1. You can submit your request through the office of your U.S. Representative or either one of your U.S. Senators. Click on the "Constituents Services" or similar section on the website. If nothing is listed, email your Senator through his/her website email form. Make sure you note that you want "Presidential Greetings" or you may receive a greeting from your Senator.
- 2. Robert Longley writes that the fastest way to request greetings from the White House is through the White House Correspondence Office's fax number -- 1-202-456-2461.
- 3. You can also write the White House yourself at:
The White House
After viewing the video "Letters to the President", I recommend that you put "Greetings Office at the White House" in the address to help speed up the sorting process.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Required Information That Must Be Included in Your White House Greetings Request:
- 1. Who will be receiving the Presidential greeting.
- 2. Address of where to send the greeting.
- 3. How to address the greeting (Mr. and Mrs., John and Mary, etc).
- 4. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) of the wedding or anniversary.
- 5. Number of years the celebrating couple has been married.
- 6. Your name and daytime phone number.
When To Expect Your White House Greeting:
In most cases, greetings will be mailed from the White House approximately ten days prior to the event. Wedding congratulations are mailed after the wedding date. Please note that there is no guarantee of when the greetings will be received.Other Sources of Official Anniversary Greetings For U.S. Citizens:
- 1. State Governors: Generally, you can also request an anniversary greeting from the governor of your state.
More: Government website links for each state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories and outlying areas. - 2. Former Presidents: You can reach former presidents at these addresses. There's no guarantee of a response, but providing the information suggested earlier such as number of years the couple has been married, anniversary date, etc. is recommended.
Note: The White House fax number is correct as of 10/31/2014 per and