Health & Medical Yoga

Absolutely Psychic Network - Astro Delination Report Part 21

Let's first understand that the action is in the Second House, for

that's where Jupiter is currently located in your chart. We've met

this house before. As you may recall, it has to do with

self-confidence, especially when that confidence is rooted in your

personal resources -- and that means more than just money. The time

has come to act in the spirit of Jupiter, as we just described it,

and to claim the skills and material you need. But what's the point?

What are the real questions? The answer lies with Venus, which is

being invited into development during this time of solidification

and consolidation in your life.

The natal Venus -- that, as we have seen, is where you store your

romantic and affiliative sensibilities, along with your aesthetic


Your Sixth House held our attention for a while earlier in these

pages; now we see it making itself felt again. You have an inherent

desire to be helpful and competent, and you express it best when you

find ways to give people around you "gifts" of the nature of Venus,

as we just described it. That part of your nature is currently in

the spotlight, so offer yourself and your gifts to those who need

them. You'll grow wiser, and they'll be happier.

When Venusian energies splice together with Jupiterian ones,

opportunity (Jupiter) comes to you through other people (Venus).

Sometimes what we might call "dumb luck" makes itself felt, but it

doesn't hurt to help it along by understanding the planetary "rules

of the game." Basically, they boil down to this: you've got to ask

for what you want, you've got to know that you deserve it, and

you've got to look that way...which is to say, there's no room for

being apologetic, ashamed, or defensive.

The two factors, as we mentioned, are linked by a square --

traditionally seen as a "bad" aspect, but more accurately seen as

simply frictional. Squares generally suggest tough choices, external

pressures, and at least some stress.

Jupiter figured earlier in this analysis. Now we meet it again. As

you may recall, this is the planet of possibilities and the seizing

of opportunities. Jupiter currently trines your natal Sun. The

action peaks July 9, 2011; October 21, 2011.

Let's first understand that the action is in the Second House, for

that's where Jupiter is currently located in your chart. We've met

this house before. As you may recall, it has to do with

self-confidence, especially when that confidence is rooted in your

personal resources -- and that means more than just money. The time

has come to act in the spirit of Jupiter, as we just described it,

and to claim the skills and material you need. But what's the point?

What are the real questions? The answer lies with the Sun, which is

being invited into development during this time of solidification

and consolidation in your life.

The natal Sun -- that, as we have seen, refers to the very core of

your being: your identity.

Your Seventh House occupied our thoughts earlier in these pages; now

we see it triggered again, suggesting that at the center of the

circumstances we're considering there exists a fundamental

inter-dependency: what you must do, you cannot do alone. A pair of

ideas figure here: The first is that by emphasizing the spirit of

the Sun in your closest relationships, you improve them. The second

is that your natural partners are themselves people of the nature of

the Sun, and that should help you recognize them.

When the Sun interacts with Jupiter, claim some applause for

yourself. Healthy pride and dignity are at stake here, and they're

hard to sustain without receiving some appreciation. It may just

come to you; but if not, then don't be shy about asking for it...and

one of the best ways to do that is to insist upon a victory, the

more colorful the better. The good news is that under this kind of

astrological configuration, such a victory is in fact quite

available to you now.

The two factors, as we mentioned, are linked by a trine --

traditionally seen as a "good" aspect, but more accurately seen as

simply enhancing or supportive. Generally speaking, with trines

there is an opportunity...but to seize it, you must supply the


Jupiter figured earlier in this analysis. Now we meet it again. As

you may recall, this is the planet of possibilities and the seizing

of opportunities. Jupiter currently trines your natal Pluto. The

action peaks July 20, 2011; October 9, 2011.

Let's first understand that the action is in the Second House, for

that's where Jupiter is currently located in your chart. We've met

this house before. As you may recall, it has to do with

self-confidence, especially when that confidence is rooted in your

personal resources -- and that means more than just money. The time

has come to act in the spirit of Jupiter, as we just described it,

and to claim the skills and material you need. But what's the point?

What are the real questions? The answer lies with Pluto, which is

being invited into development during this time of solidification

and consolidation in your life.

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