Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How to Clean an AmeriBag Healthy Back Bag

    • 1). Open up every compartment on the AmeriBag, and remove all contents.

    • 2). Mix several drops of liquid soap with two cups of water.

    • 3). Clean off the bag with a damp rag dipped in the soapy water. Gently rub the damp rag over the exterior of the leather bag. Do not use a soaking wet rag. Excessive water can eventually damage the leather of the AmeriBag. If washing the interior of the bag use a slightly wet rag, which will pick up crumbs and other bits of debris inside the bag.

    • 4). Dry the bag with a towel. Leaving the leather wet for an extended period can actually stain the product. Dry the bag off with the towel as if you are drying off your hands. Rub the towel over the leather while applying some pressure. The towel absorbs the slight amount of water, drying off the purse. If you washed the interior of the bag, leave the bag completely open, and place it near an electrical fan, which circulates air and helps dry off the AmeriBag Healthy Back Bag.

    • 5). Apply a small amount of leather conditioner to a rag, and rub into the entire leather bag. Allow it to dry for a few hours, and you are left with a like-new, clean AmeriBag Healthy Back Bag.

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