How to Treat Cracked Feet
- 1). Soak feet in warm soapy water for 15 to 20 minutes to soften dead skin. Lather a foot brush with soap and scrub clean. Use a pumice stone to gently rub away dead skin. Rinse feet and dry with a soft towel. Apply moisturizer to all areas of the feet. For slightly cracked or dry feet, this may be all that is needed to maintain soft supple skin.
- 2). Treat more severely cracked feet with a more aggressive method. If feet are scaly with small cracks, follow the procedure in Step 1 working the pumice stone until the feet are smooth and free from scales. Work around the edges of the heel to remove built-up callus. Apply moisturizer and immediately dress feet in a pair of warm dry socks. Keep the socks on while you sleep, if possible. Repeat daily until feet are soft. Maintain a regular schedule of foot care.
- 3). Manage severely cracked skin that is open and bleeding by removing dead skin around the cracks. Use a dry foot file on clean dry feet to file away areas of dead skin gently. Avoid irritating sensitive areas. Use the procedure outlined in the above steps, using pure Vaseline or udder cream as moisturizer. Continue with a daily routine of removing dead skin and then soaking your feet until calluses have been reduced and cracks begin to heal.
- 4). Consult your physician if there any signs of infection or if the treatment prescribed is not effective. Those with diabetes or other conditions that may affect healing should use caution in treating any areas of broken skin that may result in infection. If in doubt, it is best to contact your doctor for advice.
- 5). Wear comfortable shoes that have adequate support for the heel. Standing for prolonged periods puts pressure on the heel and will cause dry skin to crack if the heel is not properly supported. Avoid shoes with open heels and refrain from going barefoot. If you must wear dress shoes that do not supply the necessary support for your feet, take breaks from standing often.