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Adopting Press Release as a Social Media Tool

Can you think of ways to use traditional media tool such as press release for social media? Press release, in its conventional form, is among the most widely used tool to inform consumers about the company or their products and services. However, this tool is constantly challenge by skeptics who are fond of using social media.
Most social media gurus cited three main traits that render press release as a less effective tool for social media. Press release tends to focus more about the company. Secondly, press release is often beef up with tons of information. Finally, press release is not directed towards a specific audience.
Having mentioned those traits, is it possible to transform this tool to an effective social media marketing technique? In social media, all you really need is a pool of great strategies to transform just about anything into a useful tool. If you can, for instance, be creative enough to follow the simple guides below, press release will add up to your social media assets.
Keywords on your title please. Do away from the common habit of exhibiting company names on the title of a press release. Use keywords instead to infuse a more dynamic and engaging title. Remember that your ability to create an attention grabbing title is critical to drawing audience. With your keywords, you will have bigger chance of reaching your audience when they search the keywords up.
Transcend from 4 W's and an H pattern. Avoid sticking to the usual rule of always citing the what, when, where, why, and how in your press release. As an alternative, try the more dynamic "story telling" approach. You can focus on specific information and pump it up in a more engaging manner.
Reorganize and plan well. Consider social media as a strategic way of building up your niche or network of followers and fellow enthusiasts. You need not to lay down all your cards on the table. Feed your targeted audience with bits of information. This will compel them to keep coming back.
Be proactive. Reevaluate your goals and objectives and transform them to allow audience to producer interaction and vice versa. Challenge yourself to leap beyond the limit of merely sharing and channeling information. Instead, take time to listen and hear your end users. Dynamic interaction is actually the core of social media networking.
Challenge your reader. Be it in slogan format or direct statement, it is definitely crucial that you always integrate a call to action in your press release. This is one sure way of challenging your end users to share their thought about your site or the products and services that you can offer.

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