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New Orleans Recipes - Grillades - Chicken or Pork Chops With Tomato Gravy

My grandmother was named Anita.
She was my father's mother and lived to the age of 94.
From my earliest childhood memories, she was always cooking good food.
All the adults used to call my grandmother Nita for short.
My oldest cousin will tell you that when she was just learning to talk and she her one of my grandmother's friends call her Nita.
She would correct them and say no "My Ta" which became Mata and hence she was always Mata to all her grandchildren.
Mata shared a common trait with all the old New Orleans cooks and was never one to write down her recipes.
I managed to badger her into telling me how to do it so I could cook like her and preserve her recipes for future Dapremonts.
I am going to give you her Grillades recipe.
Most people serve this over pasta.
The Dapremont family usually ate it with Vermicelli spaghetti which is a very thin pasta that is a little larger than angel hair pasta.
I never liked pasta too much so I would always have her make me some white rice and that was how I ate it.
Here it is: Bon Apetit' GRILLADES - CHICKEN (OR PORK CHOPS) WITH TOMATO GRAVY Fry chicken or pork chops and set aside.
2 onions, chopped fine 1 whole garlic 1 can tomatoes 1 bunch parsley 1/2 can (4 oz.
) tomato paste 1 Tbsp.
flour Fry onion in small amount of fat, then fry the tomatoes.
Add garlic and parsley.
After onion in brown, add flour (will thicken gravy).
Add tomato paste.
Add approximately 1 cup water and let simmer.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Add meat and let it cook down to taste.
Serve over rice.

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