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Do You Love With Fiery Intensity? Use the Love Tips of Autumn to Spark Up Dates and Relationships

Do you love with fiery intensity? Do you use the love tips of Autumn to spark up your dates and relationships? When Autumn speaks, do you listen? The days are getting shorter and chillier.
The harvest moon lights up the night sky.
The leaves are bursting with color before they fall.
The fleeting beauty of autumn creates a sense of urgency in me, like a vibrant mentor asking, "Will you Love with fiery intensity? Will you See beauty in change? Will you Enjoy the harvest of your heart? Will you Burn out in a blaze like the autumn leaves?" I've listened to the advice of autumn, and I've said Yes! to each love tip.
That's what inspired me to begin a Love Quest with my single friends during the third October after my divorce.
It was a gorgeous fall day when we hiked up to a Sangre de Cristo mountaintop in New Mexico, and six of us placed a cosmic order for new love, shouting out a request to the "mountain gods".
When it was my turn, I looked up at our big blue sky and announced, "I'd like to love again, like I loved my husband.
Or better.
I'd like to burn out in a blaze, like these Aspens in October.
" My friends cheered.
Then Nonnie, our vibrant, 70ish leader, spoke up.
"I've loved some fabulous men.
Enough for now.
My wish is for all of you to go out there and break your heart like I did.
" My teenage daughter, Jade, was on the mountaintop with us, so I said, "I'd like to protect my kids from a broken heart.
" Nonnie shrugged.
"Then you'll have to live forever.
" Jade surprised us.
"We all die, so love hurts.
Right?" "But we love anyway," Nonnie said.
She put her arm around Jade and resumed the hike and her advice.
"We love with every cell in our body.
And we forgive.
That's what we came here to do.
" Ahhh! My heart purred when I heard Nonnie's love tip that autumn.
I remember it each time I see the leaves changing colors, gracing our lives with beauty as their grand finale.
Will you follow their lead? Will you go out there and break your heart? I've wondered if it takes courage to toss off our armor and stay open hearted.
Or if it's foolish not to fulfill our destiny--to love with every cell in our body.
And forgive.
Will you love with fiery intensity? Will you burn out in a blaze like the autumn leaves?

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