Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Help Me With My Marriage Now!

Divorce is not an easy thing to go through, yet so many people are turning to divorce as an easy solution to their marriage problems.
So rather than try to sort their problems out together, they split up in the hope that the next partner they find will be the right one.
If you are not one of those people who are ready to call time on your marriage and are shouting out in desperation "help me with my marriage now!" Then there are things that you can put in place that will help to get your marriage back on track.
One key piece of advice is to make sure that you keep your lines of communication open.
No matter how bad things get you have to communicate.
One of the best ways to start the ball rolling is to sit with your spouse and calmly tell them that you want them to tell you exactly how they are feeling about your marriage right now.
Tell them you will be open, and listen to them, without interruption and that you are willing to take on board what they have to say.
When issues arise, discuss how you are going to change them, then finally take action.
When your partner sees that you are putting their feelings before yours it will have a positive effect on them, and it just might spur them on to taking action also.
So what do you do if you are past the point of communication? Well there are still some things that you can do to try to save your marriage.
As this is no longer a two way thing, you need to take ownership and focus on yourself (not in a selfish way but in a reflective way.
) You need to think back to a point when you were both happy, and take yourself back to that point again.
Think about what was different then to how it is now! Also focus on what it was that first attracted your partner to you.
It may well have been that lovely smile or that reassuring manner that you once had.
It is still there but it' s probably hidden.
So go ahead and find it and dig it out again! If you start to change yourself and "clean up your side of the street", then your partner will notice this and respond in a more positive manner towards you.
Hopefully communication will not be to far away again.

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