Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Is Your Comfort Zone Your Worst Enemy?

Why do most people refuse to adapt, continuously making the same mistakes at an ever - accelerating pace, and constantly getting the same or worse results? Albert Einstein is generally credited with defining insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, and anticipating different results.
While this may appear obvious and make common sense, most of us really seem willing or able to do what we should to be better prepared, and maximize our potential.
While there are many contributing factors to this type on rather non - productive behavior, perhaps the single biggest reason or component for why we do this is our unwillingness to expand our personal comfort zone.
What exactly is a comfort zone? In most cases, it is that small area that we escape to with the often false expectation of safety, because it is a little place where we are not pushing ourselves, but merely looking to remain comfortable (and usually also not challenging ourselves to either be or do better).
This generally creates a false sense of security that drives us to procrastinate and shrink, rather than improve, challenge ourselves, learn more, explore further alternatives and possibilities, or do those things that we need to do if we hope for better results in the future.
Yet, even though most people might readily admit that this makes perfect sense, very few of them will actually do anything proactive to address this.
We can only obtain our personal optimal possibilities for achievement and personal growth/ accomplishments, when we proactively take steps to do so.
When we refuse to do so, we do so in what we often we feel is a safer, less risky, slower manner.
We often affirm that we do so for the sake of doing the safer or more desirable thing! However, in the vast majority of cases, we do so merely to avoid making decisions, making enemies, taking any type of meaningful stand, or because of our fears that are driven by what is often less than a stellar attitude.
Only when we concentrate on maintaining a meaningful positive attitude, and that drives us to take action in a timely basis, do we actually rise above the restrictions of what we generally think of as our comfort zone.
The reality, however, is that most often, this zone is more of a stranglehold that restricts our personal growth, and transforms us to a life of negativity, filled with the recurrent, "what if's.
" It's your comfort zone.
Doesn't it really do quite the opposite?

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