Family & Relationships Conflict

How To Stop Calling And Texting Your Ex

Have you recently broken up with a man and are having trouble moving on? Do you find yourself constantly trying to get in touch with him? Would you like to find out how to stop calling and texting your ex so you can move on with your life? If he's been a big part of your life for a long time, it's difficult to stop thinking about him.
It's harder still not to want to see and talk to him.
But for your own sanity and peace of mind, you must avoid places where you might run into him.
And you must stop calling and texting your ex or you'll never be truly free of him.
It's time to force yourself to take action and to do it without delay.
A land line is easy enough to deal with.
Just go back and delete your recent calls so his name doesn't unexpectedly turn up when you're scrolling through phone numbers.
If he recorded a message for your answering machine, erase it at once.
And if you've been saving an old message that he left in better times, stop saving it and erase it.
You don't need those reminders.
A cell phone is trickier.
You could probably convince yourself that you should keep his contact information on your smart phone just in case you needed it to get hold of him in the future in an emergency.
But it's best to delete all of this from your phone, whether it's his email address, a voice message, an old text message that you always loved, or the picture beside his name in your contact list.
While you're at it, go back and get rid of any pictures of him or of the two of you that are on your phone.
Once you've done those things, you will find it easier to stop calling and texting your ex because you will have cut ties with him.
As long as you keep holding onto things like messages and pictures, it's likely that you are also mentally holding onto him even though he's gone.
The final step is the big one.
Even though you've gotten rid of everything to do with him on your phones, now you need to make a promise to yourself that you will not get in touch with him.
No doubt his phone number is burned into your brain, so getting rid of all his contact information is more of a symbol of your decision than a way of preventing you from getting in touch with him.
It won't be easy to stop calling and texting your ex, especially at first.
But take it one day at a time and eventually it will become easier.
And then there will come the time when you meet someone new and you're putting his contact info into your phone.
Then you'll know that you've truly moved on.

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