Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Two Kids, Two Businesses and a Dog!

It would be fair to say that the last few weeks have been tricky.
The 'not enough hours in the day' syndrome catches me when I'm not looking on an almost a daily basis.
As a single parent, juggling a million balls, I was found on the sofa a few days ago with my head in my hands...
I absolutely love being a parent and my businesses are incredibly fulfilling and anyone who's met my Westie Lulu knows that she is really my third child! So how do I attempt to manage my life? All of my work is focused on women.
In my Massage Therapy business I work with women who are suffering from stress, anxiety, exhaustion or maybe having difficulties sleeping.
In my Networking Women organisation, I work with women in business, helping them to make connections with each other and supporting new businesses underpinned by the belief that we can have it all - just not in the way that we thought before.
How can we have it all? By being very strict with ourselves! My rules for a life worth living..
We must not be ruled by guilt.
We cannot be all things to all people all of the time.
Saying 'no' is a must and feeling guilty is forbidden.
My children play the guilt card daily although my daughter has mastered it to perfection - so much so that Lulu has picked up some tips.
On the plane we are told to put on our own mask before we put on those of another.
This is incredibly sound advice.
If I am not breathing, I cannot help you.
Tomorrow I am going on a Spa Day.
I am not available all day.
I am not available to anyone.
I am out.
I am shut.
I deserve this time.
I am worth it.
Eat well and sleep well.
We are stronger when we eat as much fresh food as we can and drink plenty of water.
We need sleep to replenish ourselves and to process all the things that are happening in our lives.
If we don't get rid of our stresses in our sleep, they trouble us through the day.
Kiss your children several times a day (apart from your teenage boy - he will let you 'hug' him on certain occasions defined by him).
Love your dog.
Tell people you meet something nice about them...
like you love their outfit or their hair looks nice today.
When people feel good they smile at you and then your own face lifts into a glorious cheesy grin.
Good for the soul.
Aim to learn something new every day.
This makes you feel younger than you are...
I like to feel younger than I am.
And finally, appreciate what you've got.
It'll always be more or less than the next human being.
It's yours, whatever it is and life is a gift anyway.
Enjoy it! I could go on and on.
The point is, we all need a list of strategies.
So if you are having a hard time right now, think about your list and think about your unique specialness.
Having it all does not mean doing it all! And remember, there can only be sadness against the sensation of joy...
one cannot be without the other so whichever one you are experiencing at the moment, the other one will appear again at some point!

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