Clip it Up Organizer Alternatives
- Arrange your scrapbook materials in homemade organizers.craft a card! image by Shirley Hirst from
The brain child of the Clip It Up! product line is an avid scrapbooker named Renee of Simply Renee. Her products for organizing scrapbooking and craft supplies are functional and will whip your art room into shape. If you do not want to spend a fortune on an individual organizer, you can embrace your inner MacGyver and whip up your own alternative, easily. Look for items around the house that you can reuse and transform into homemade storage devices. - Instead of purchasing the rotational Clip It Up display rack to organize your card stock, construction paper and decorative scraps, use one of your child's old school binders. Pick up some clear sheet protectors from the dollar store or school supply shop. Organize your paper according to color and theme, and place three or four pieces in each sheet protector. Place the protectors in the binder. Place the binder on a shelf near your work area for easy access. Another option is to set up a clothesline of hemp cord in one section of the room. Pin the filled sheet protectors to the line using clothes pins.
You also can fill an old box, at least 11 inches wide, with your paper collection. Use old file folders, make your own out of card stock or purchase some for a small price, and fill these with paper collections. Place the folders inside the box and store your homemade filing cabinet under your desk. - Re-purpose items from around your house to hang and organize your rolls of ribbon. An old curtain rod or paper towel dispenser---either standing or wall-mounted---will serve this purpose. Alternatively, you can cut a small opening in a wire hanger and insert rolls of ribbon on the base. Tape the opening of the hanger shut and hang it in a closet or on a wall hook. Stamping and Scrapbooking discusses an alternative use for old sugar jars from an old diner. Place two rolls inside each jar and string the ribbon ends through the hole in the jar's cover. Then you can just pull out as much ribbon as you need.
- Scrapbooks Etc describes a homemade organizer for your embellishments and tools. Purchase pieces of peg board with hooks from a hardware shop. You can paint the board to match the room's decor. Place pencils, markers and glues sticks in decorative buckets from a dollar store. Place stickers, buttons, and cutouts in clear plastic bags that are hole-punched at the top. Hang these on the hooks of your peg board, along with scissors, rolls of tape and hole punches. You also can reuse glass jars of various shapes and sizes to hold beads, craft flowers, pom poms and spools of thread. Stack the jars on a shelving unit to create a colorful and functional display.