Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Announcement - How And When To Tell

Congratulations! You're pregnant.
This should be a time of great joy and excitement for you.
You are about to go through the most wonderful time in a woman's life at the end of which you will be blessed with a new baby to love and to hold.
As with all happy occasions, the most natural instinct is to tell everyone around you and share your happiness.
But be aware that you need to be careful in how you announce your pregnancy and in what order you do so.
A pregnancy is not only a happy time, it is a time of great adjustment and need.
You will need the help of those closest to you to see you through your pregnancy as well as you can.
Therefore, it is imperative that you display to your closest friends and to your family how much you truly appreciate them by making sure they're the first to know about your pregnancy.
You need to prioritize the people you know into a few groups.
You should notify each group in order of importance to you and also choose a different form of announcement.
You family - Your family should come first and you have to do this in person.
Mothers and sisters are especially sensitive to this.
If your mother, for instance, learns about your pregnancy from someone else, expect a fight.
You may also include in your group friends who are like family.
Make sure to tell your family and your partner's family at about the same time.
Friends - You should tell your friends only after telling your family because friends may spill the beans too soon and your family may hear about your pregnancy before you tell them.
You can do this by a phone call or in person.
Make sure to tell your boss and work colleagues at about this time.
Acquaintances - Announce your pregnancy to your various acquaintances last.
You don't have to do this in person.
You can send a pregnancy announcement card in the mail, or use an announcement ecard.
Follow these guidelines and everyone will share in your happiness without getting needlessly offended.

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