Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Is There a Lawn Weed Killer That Is Safe for Dogs?


    • You may kill weeds without using chemicals dangerous to dogs by pouring boiling water on the base of them. Spraying undiluted vinegar on the base of weeds also kills them. If you have a large patch of weeds to kill, cover the area with a rubber pond liner. It blocks sun and water and kills weeds within days in warm weather and in weeks in cool weather.


    • Commercial weed killers based on vinegar or orange oil rather than herbicidal chemicals are available, according to "The Organic Lawn Care Manual." Even though they are nontoxic, you should still keep your dog away from the area until the weed killer has had time to dry completely.


    • If you or your lawn service use traditional weed killers on your lawn, water the area well to wash the chemicals into the soil so your dog is less likely to come into contact with them, according to "The Nature of Animal Healing."

      If you have a cat, avoid using orange oil-based weed killers, as cats can become ill when exposed to concentrated citrus products.

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