Health & Medical Yoga

Yoga Forms - Best Three Styles of Yoga For Weight Loss

Many people would love to try yoga in order to help them lose weight.
Do all forms of yoga really aid in the battle against weight? The answer is no.
All forms of yoga aid the body and help promote a healthier lifestyle, but not all of them will raise the heart rate enough to lose weight.
A perfect example of this is Iyengar yoga.
Iyengar is a style of yoga where poses are held for several minutes with rests in between each pose.
This routine will help increase muscle mass, but it will not help you lose weight.
The Ashtanga discipline of yoga is a good program choice for anyone trying to lose weight.
It is an energetic series of poses that require roughly an hour and a half to two hours for completion.
For many beginners this form of yoga is highly recommended and common in many local studios.
This type is also ideal for home practitioners.
Another method well suited for weight loss is power yoga.
Power yoga is the most popular form of yoga classes offered in American gyms today.
Power yoga emphasizes an intense cardiovascular program based on the Ashtanga style of yoga, but it differs from Ashtanga because a more indiscriminate set of poses are used in each session.
Last, but not least on a list for the best weight loss yoga styles is "hot yoga.
" This unique form is practiced in rooms with a raised temperature of roughly ninety eight to one hundred degrees.
The purpose of hot yoga is to sweat out toxins, but this will also help you lose weight.
It is important to note this program should not be used as a primary workout because it is physically very strenuous.

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