Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

How to Make Hair Thick & Healthy

    • 1). Begin by taking Vitamin E regularly it will help your hair and nails grow thick and healthy. It also provides your body with a good nutrient.

    • 2). Change your diet. Your body reflects what you eat by more than size or shape. Your skin, hair, and nails will not be thick and healthy if you are not putting healthy food into your body. Neglecting to eat right can cause hair to be more brittle, break more easily, and not grow in as healthy as it possibly can.

    • 3). Use a stylist or do it at home but trim your hair every six weeks. Snipping the dead ends is another sure fire way to grow healthier, thicker hair. Your hair should also grow faster if it is trimmed regularly.

    • 4). Shampoo and condition your hair every other day. Doing it everyday actually strips your hair of essential oils it needs to nourish itself.

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