Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Puffy Eyes & Eye Bags Under the Eyes - How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Do you want to keep the aging from coming faster? Do you want to keep the puffy eyes off of your face and keep from getting eye bags under the eyes? You can stay looking young or at least look younger than you are with a few tricks.
You can help yourself out at any age with a daily massage routine.
You will need to use a good moisturizer with your massage each and every single day.
This will keep the skin supple and you will be able to keep yourself from aging faster than you would like.
You can massage in some apricot oil with your ring finger.
Massage in a circular motion from the corner of your eye towards your temple.
This can be done daily to help reduce crows feet, dark circles, and wrinkles from forming.
This will also improve your muscles that encircle your eye.
Another thing that can help is to put slices of either cucumber or raw potatoes over your eyes.
Leave them there for about 15 minutes and you will be able to reduce the appearance of the circles under your eyes.
You can also do this with pre steeped teabags, preferably green teabags because they have more nutrients than black teabags.
You can also try the creams that the beauty industry put out.
These can help from time to time, but there are not many that will do a lot of good for you.
You are better off with a good moisturizer that is more natural.
This is how you can help yourself when it comes to puffy eyes and eye bags under your eyes.
If your bags are really bad, then you can go ahead and make an appointment with your dermatologist.
This will help you if you are in need of expert advice.

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