Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Deal With a Breakup - And Win Back Your Ex With This Proven Strategy

The panicky feeling of not being in control after a breakup is enough to drive you crazy.
If you're desperate to get back together with your ex, then your behavior is probably desperate too..
and it's pushing them away.
If you want to learn how to deal with a breakup and increase your chances of winning them back, then you need to calm down and stop making mistakes you'll regret later.
Getting back together with you ex is very possible...
but you must learn exactly what to do and what not to do.
Feeling anxious to get back together with your ex is totally normal.
But you must get this emotion under control.
Don't make the mistake of throwing yourself at your ex's feet.
Nobody respects that kind of desperate behavior.
It's human nature to be turned off by this.
Force yourself to take a break from the relationship.
Yes, this is hard to do and will take will power, but you must do it.
No contact for several weeks or even a solid month.
Don't cave in and start drunk dialing them at 2am.
Stay strong, hang out with friend and family, get busy doing positive activities, etc.
You've heard the expression "absence makes the heart grow fonder.
" This is very true.
Taking a break allows them miss you.
When your ex sees that you're no longer chasing them, there almost always will be a dramatic change in their attitude.
They no longer take you for granted.
You've become strong and independent, perhaps even a bit detached about the relationship...
and these are very intriguing qualities.
Your ex can't help but feel drawn to you again.
These are the things you must do if you want to learn how to deal with a breakup in a way the empowers you.
Build up your inner strength and independence.
This along with your new attitude of detachment and giving the relationship a break is a powerful approach to winning back the one you love.

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