Family & Relationships Conflict

Infuriate Your Ex With These Mind Control Methods - They Will Want You Back Badly

Have you just broken up with someone who has been toying with your emotions and now you feel used and frustrated? This is unfortunately a very common occurrence in relationships.
However, blaming the other person for everything will get you nowhere.
It is important that you realize that it was partly your fault because you let your ex play tricks on you.
Chances are that you are just one among many people to whom your ex has done this sort of thing.
There are people who simply enjoy using other people to boost their self-esteem.
You should not stand for that kind of behavior! When you play the victim and let your ex know how much you are hurting, this just aggravates your situation and makes your ex feel even better.
You need to put your foot down and take control.
How can you do this? The easiest way is to use the same tricks your ex was using on you.
Pretend that you are doing fine and that you are indifferent towards the breakup.
This will make your ex furious because they did not achieve what they wanted  to make you suffer and feel better about themselves.
People enjoy it when other people are crazy about them and when they think that they are the center of the world.
You can shatter this illusion of theirs by inventing a new boyfriend or girlfriend.
When you meet your ex, tell them how you are hopelessly in love with your new partner and how great they are.
Look happy and satisfied.
This will confuse your ex and they will try to get back together with you, because people always desire what is not easily available to them.
This will teach them a lesson and it is very probable that they will never try to play tricks on you again.

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