Health & Medical Acne

Quick Tricks to Help Clear Your Skin

Acne can be very unwelcoming and embarrassing..
If you are someone struggling with acne today, I'm here to help you out.
I have a list of Quick Tricks to help clear that annoying acne up faster.
These are very easy tricks and literally anyone can do them from their own home.
As embarrassing and displeasing as acne is, it's going to happen anyway.
You need to first accept this, then you can start looking for ways to solve the problem.
These tips will give you a jumpstart on your search for a more clear face...
-Enjoy! *Trick Number 1.
Grab an Ice Cube.
When you can feel a zit under your skin approaching, grab an ice cube.
The cold ice cube will cool down your inflamed skin and you'll probably wake up zit free.
Gently rub the ice cube over the zit area for about a minute or so.
Make sure to rotate the ice cube around, if held in one spot for too long you could face seriously painful ice burns.
*Trick Number 2.
The Hot Washcloth.
Once your pimple has surfaced, the first action you want to take is to grab 2 clean washcloths.
Take a washcloth, soak it with hot water and apply the wet washcloth to the affected area.
Keep wetting washcloth and re-applying until your pimple is weak and ready to pop.
( Usually about 5 Minutes.
) Next, instinctively, pop that sucker! Gently, of course.
Once you've popped and squeezed gently wash the affected area with your preferable face cleanser or a bar of soap.
Pat your face dry, and your good to go! *Trick Number 3.
Change your pillowcase.
By changing your pillowcases a few times a week you're actually reducing acne flare ups.
Oils, dirt and such other things are transferred every night from your face, hair and body onto your pillow where your face rests all night long.
Keep your pillowcases fresh and it'll help keep your face fresh in return.
*Trick Number 4.
Keep Hydrated! Acne flare ups can very commonly be caused from dehydrated and irritated skin.
Keep your pores hydrated and they'll thank you.
*Trick Number 5.
Cut the Salt down.
There is a chemical in salt called iodine that seriously inflames your face.
Buy uniodized salt or just don't use more than necessary to stay clear.
*Trick Number 6.
Weekly Honey Masks.
Honey includes antibacterial properties, is good for sensitive skin, thus making this sticky treat a disinfectant and minor blemish healer for your face.
Apply honey allover your affected skin areas, let dry and sit for 10-15 minutes.
Wash your face off with soap and water, pat dry.
Apply mask once or twice a week.
*Trick Number 7.
Avoid Your Face.
Try to avoid having your hair in your face and touching your face with your hands and other objects.
Your face is very sensitive, the oils and dirt from your hair and body will get on your face somehow or another and cause acne inflammation.
Avoid this as much as possible.
*Trick Number 8.
Toothpaste Your Face.
Toothpaste contains sulfur which if applied on an acne mark will dry it out and get rid of it faster.
Apply a small dot of toothpaste on your zit, pimple, whitehead...
Le it sit for 5 minutes and wash your face.
Caution: This toothpaste trick should only be used for single acne spots.
Applying toothpaste to a large region of the face will cause burning and inflammation.
*Trick Number 9.
Egg Whites.
Sounds crazy, but it's really good for your skin.
Egg whites cool down irritated and inflamed skin while fighting off acne.
Simply apply egg whites to your face, Site for 15-20 minutes, then wash you face with warm water.
*Trick Number 10.
Strawberry Face.
Strawberries are not only good for your teeth but they fight acne as well! Slice off the top leafy area of your berry, rub the strawberry over affected area, leave on for 20-30 minutes.
Finally, wash your face and feel the difference.
There are millions of other at home remedies for acne, I gave you the top ten.
Acne is a life problem that no one enjoys but everybody deals with.
Just know that it can be cured and you can keep a clear face.
Acne does not and should not affect your life in any negative way.
Everyone faces acne and learns to deal with it in their own special way.
You can too.
Good luck in finding the right cure!

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