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Starcraft 2 Raven

One of my favorite Terran support units are the Raven.
Support units are not used for directly confronting the enemy, as that would be suicide, but you can use them for their unique abilities.
When you use their strength you can intercept missiles, position turrets, and reveal the enemies masked units.
Used correctly with proper micro-management controls, the Raven can immediately alert you when an enemy is approaching your base.
You want to use them to set up turrets automatically, so you cannot be attacked.
Use the Ravens correctly, and watch your overall defense skyrocket.
Why don't we look in depth at the Raven's abilities: Setting-Up Turrets: The Raven automatically sets up turrets anywhere specified.
Turrets are small sentry towers which have the ability to fire away at any hostile unit which approaches the terran base.
50 energy is required to set these turrets up.
When standing on their own, they cannot really create much of an impact because they are weak but they can be quite formidable when they are many in a group.
They have a capacity to hit air as well as ground units with an impressive attack range and with stunning accuracy.
Use of Seeker Missiles: The Raven's major specialty lies in this aspect.
The Raven shoots seeker missiles at enemy targets.
When a missile is shot at an enemy target, it starts off at normal speed but as soon as it starts getting close to the target, it picks up speed.
On impact, the seeker missile will then explode and cause serious damage on enemy targets.
If massed ground enemy troops are targeted, the seeker missile will score off maximum casualty upon detonation.
Point Defense Drone: The Raven also possesses a highly specialized defense mechanism called a point defense drone.
This drone is purely defensive and is detailed to shoot down any kind of projectile which is being launched against the terran base.
Each drone has a capability of eliminating threats as many as 20 before they run out of energy and burn off.
In a battle, it would really pay off to send in some point defense drones before you send in your own units.
These drones will shoot down any projectile that has been launched against any of your battle units and thereby constituting a kind of defense cover for your other battle units.
The Raven is an integral and highly commendable functional part of the terran.
In times past, you would have heard being called The Nighthawk.
It was initially designed to protect the outposts on the terran domain which were isolated and this protection was on a low scale.
In recent times however, the Raven has been assumed to be even more active as well as its hostile roles within the terran camp.

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