Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Death, Taxes and Stretch Marks

Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying that death and taxes are certainties of life, and to be sure there are many others.
Those things that can be relied upon no matter what happens.
Stretch marks in pregnancy does not have to be one of them.
Many women joyously celebrate that special time of life when they anticipate the birth of their child, and then loathe what pregnancy does to the body.
Although stretch marks cannot be completely avoided, there are things that can be done to prevent a large number of them.
Using a stretch marks cream, eating a proper diet, and maintaining a safe exercise regimen throughout a pregnancy can reduce the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.
Many women go into their pregnancies with habits that can be difficult to break.
Starting the day with a cup or two of coffee is one.
Although studies have shown that caffeine is safe in moderation for pregnancy, it can actually increase the likelihood that a woman will develop stretch marks.
Eliminating caffeinated beverages, and staying well hydrated will help.
Eating a diet rich in vitamins A and C, and high in low fat protein sources, such as eggs, nuts and fish are ideal.
Along with using a stretch marks cream, many stretch marks can be avoided.
Choosing the right stretch marks cream can be a mine field, but if you know what ingredients to look for, finding an effective and premium product will be easy.
Women should choose stretch marks creams that contain moisturizers, such as cocoa butter as well as Vitamin E oil.
In addition, collagen building ingredients soak into the dermis and keep the skin more pliable while allowing the collagen and elastin fibers to repair themselves more quickly.

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