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Free Ways to Promote an Event

If you are planning on putting on an event, one of the main things you should focus on is driving qualified people to the event.
How do you do this? Buy promoting your event of course.
The following are some of the ways that you can promote your event and get qualified prospects in attendance: 1.
Targeted people via a pre-existing marketing database: Most sales people have a list of contacts in a database, for example Outlook or even in excel.
You should look at who might be an ideal fit for your event and send them an invitation.
Make sure to match the event content to the appropriate person.
For example, an event on computer hardware probably won't resonate with a CEO.
Linked In Events: Linked In is a sales persons best friend.
There is so much that it can do.
One of the great things that Linked In offers is a way to promote events.
If you are already using Linked In, what you do is go to the "More" tab and select "Events".
Once you do this, you will need to click on the "Add an Event" tab.
This is where you input all your information for your event.
Add more detail.
This is the button at the bottom of the screen.
This is optional, but it allows you to target the prospects you are looking for.
Once you have done all of this, you should select the Preview Event button, and if everything is okay, then you should publish your event.
The nice thing is that you can send this out to your network and also make it searchable to all of Linked In.
Association Calendars: There are numerous industry websites and publications that have a calendar section where you can add your event.
Check your area and see if you can access this sort of information.
Press Release: Use a free press release service like PRLog.
Write up a press release and target it to your audience.
You never know who will pick it up and promote it for you.
As an added bonus, when you do a press release on line, it will become searchable by the search engines, which will further drive qualified attendees.
Make sure that you list all the information that you can and be specific on place, time, date, location and such.
Through Partners or Peers: Almost everyone has partners that they work with or peers in your network or industry who can help pass the word along.
For example, I work in the IT services industry.
There are lots of people in my network who provide complimentary services who's best interest would be to promote the event as they may get some referral business.
Craigslist: There is a section titled Community and in that section is a subsection title "Events".
You can add your event here.
These are by no means the only way to promote your event, there are just a handful to think about utilizing if you are planning on putting on an event.
Added tip: Ask your current clients to attend or pass the word along.
Also, if they are happy with your service or service, they will be more than happy to pass your invitation along.

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