Health & Medical Parenting

Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

At about five or six months many pediatricians recommend your start introducing solid foods to your baby.
Your little growing one may begin to show an interest in what you are putting in your mouth and even mimic your chewing motions.
Many also say that the solid foods will help your baby to sleep longer through the night.
Who doesn't want that! So how do you start to introduce your baby to this wonderful world of solid foods? Start slow.
If you look in the baby section of your favorite grocery store you'll notice boxes of baby rice cereal fortified with iron.
There are even organic versions.
Rice is an extremely low allergen food (less like to cause allergic reactions) so it is first on the list to introduce your baby to the sensation of solid foods in her mouth.
Introduce one new food at a time.
One new food a week is about right to see whether your baby has any reactions to the foods being introduced.
Watch for upset stomachs, rashes, and other allergy symptoms.
Next start with veggies.
Babies are kids so if you introduce them to fruits first they may prefer the sweet fruits to any vegetables you try and introduce later on.
So start with vegetables.
Smashed peas and then carrots are nice not overly flavored vegetables.
Move on to fruits.
Some of the first fruits to try for your baby are apples and pears.
These fruits are not too strong in taste for baby's unseasoned taste buds and you can mash them into sauces and even mix them with the rice cereal of a yummy breakfast.
Some Don'ts.
Even though it seems natural refrain from giving your baby honey before they are one year old.
Honey contains a bacteria that can cause infant botulism.
Don't give baby raw eggs due to risk of salmonella.
Don't forget to mash baby's food well.
There are low cost baby food grinders on the market or use your own blender.
Don't be afraid of making your own baby food.
It's very easy, inexpensive and you know without a doubt what is in your baby's food.

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