Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Honoring Your Past - What If You Could Look Back at Your Life With No Regrets?

What if everything in your life that has happened to you was perfect, and that all of those past events created the wonderful person you are today? What would life your life look like if you could look at your past with kind eyes? Would that make a difference in the way that you live your life? I work with many folks who have so much shame and guilt about their past.
Some are unable to look at their past with compassionate eyes while others blame those around them for how things turned out.
When we have unresolved issues of our past it can limit our life today.
It's as if we have tunnel vision and are unable to notice opportunities that are right in front of us.
When this happens, we can keep creating the same results and lose confidence in our ability to make changes.
Bringing resolution to unresolved issues creates inner healing and peace.
When we can be compassionate towards ourselves and others who may have caused us harm only then, can we release the emotional charge that a particular issue has on us.
It's as if we hold ourselves hostage to the past unless we release it.
When we can bring the unconscious part of our issue forward and have it in our conscious awareness, then we can see the truth in front of us.
Bringing it to our awareness like this allows us to see what we are dealing with.
The issues that we bury from the past can grow in intensity unless we bring them to the surface.
It's best if you can work with a professional you trust to be witness to your process.
Sometimes these buried issues can bring up a lot of emotion so it is best to work with a qualified practitioner who can guide and support you.
When doing this deep work, it is amazing how free you will be once you acknowledge and release the trapped emotions.
Over time, you will be able to step fully into your present self with compassion and grace.

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