The Purpose of Celebrity: What is the Value of a Pulpit if You Have Nothing Important to Say?
No matter what your field of expertise, once you gain ground as a celebrity, it's a great opportunity to use your status and recognition to better humanity. I don't mean to suggest you should strive to be the next Mother Teresa - far from it. My point is that you have an opportunity - if you want it - to deliver a worthwhile message.
Consider the celebrities that you admire, or at least think well of. Whether you thought of U2's Bono and his humanitarian work, or Sonny & Cher's Sonny Bono, whose passion turned to the political arena, they are both terrific examples of celebrities who desired to use their fame to spread their message and make a difference to society.
When that message becomes part and parcel of the celebrity's brand, it fortifies both the message and the celebrity who delivers it. The late Isaac Hayes worked to improve world literacy. Katie Couric is synonymous with the promotion of cancer screening. Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas, himself a foster child, was a strong supporter for raising awareness of the plight of foster children, and an advocate for child adoption. And, under the leadership of legendary CEO Jack Welch, General Electric reinvented itself several times over by integrating new and innovative practices into its many lines of business.
It is not my intention to preach that only an altruistic purpose justifies celebrity - not at all. What I would like you to take from this is the idea that your celebrity can be a bully pulpit for improving conditions around you. If you are a successful real estate broker (no mean feat today), and you have had exceptional success selling distressed homes, you could also be the point-man for Habitat for Humanity in your community! Wouldn't you feel great knowing you helped other less fortunate families have a home?
And one of the ironies here is that, while the real reason you exploit your celebrity status to help others - to give back to "the community," so to speak - is not to elevate your status further, it often ends up having exactly that effect. That is a true "win-win" for everyone. Some call it "taking the high road." However you refer to this effect, it is your little reward for just being a good celebrity.
Think about how you could use celebrity...what message could you share that would help someone else succeed? You've seen what celebrity can do for you...what can YOU do for celebrity?
Consider the celebrities that you admire, or at least think well of. Whether you thought of U2's Bono and his humanitarian work, or Sonny & Cher's Sonny Bono, whose passion turned to the political arena, they are both terrific examples of celebrities who desired to use their fame to spread their message and make a difference to society.
When that message becomes part and parcel of the celebrity's brand, it fortifies both the message and the celebrity who delivers it. The late Isaac Hayes worked to improve world literacy. Katie Couric is synonymous with the promotion of cancer screening. Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas, himself a foster child, was a strong supporter for raising awareness of the plight of foster children, and an advocate for child adoption. And, under the leadership of legendary CEO Jack Welch, General Electric reinvented itself several times over by integrating new and innovative practices into its many lines of business.
It is not my intention to preach that only an altruistic purpose justifies celebrity - not at all. What I would like you to take from this is the idea that your celebrity can be a bully pulpit for improving conditions around you. If you are a successful real estate broker (no mean feat today), and you have had exceptional success selling distressed homes, you could also be the point-man for Habitat for Humanity in your community! Wouldn't you feel great knowing you helped other less fortunate families have a home?
And one of the ironies here is that, while the real reason you exploit your celebrity status to help others - to give back to "the community," so to speak - is not to elevate your status further, it often ends up having exactly that effect. That is a true "win-win" for everyone. Some call it "taking the high road." However you refer to this effect, it is your little reward for just being a good celebrity.
Think about how you could use celebrity...what message could you share that would help someone else succeed? You've seen what celebrity can do for you...what can YOU do for celebrity?