Positive Mind Means Positive Living
"People who measure themselves with others' scales always fall short, but those who measure themselves with their own scales measure up.There is no point of comparing what we can do with what others are doing.
It's true we learn from other people.
We look up to them, and they inspire us.
That sounds sound.
But when we begin to belittle our capabilities because of what lacks us, that's insecurity, or worse yet, envy.
It's a natural feeling for humans to sometimes feel unworthy.
We are not impeccable.
We commit mistakes continually.
In words or in actions we hurt ourselves, and we hurt other people.
We fail ourselves.
We fall short to goals.
We are rejected and feel dejected.
Do these things make you feel stumbled, unimportant? Think again.
If we are the same, there is no variety.
The secret of creativity is diversity.
Most organizations which have diverse groups of people are more innovative.
Diversity is a prolific source of ideas.
Different backgrounds, races, colors, make up a good soil to creative idea to germinate.
Be glad you're different.
You are unique.
Do not say that you are weak and incompetent either.
Who you are right now is what the role you play in the society, organization you belong, and in the family circle.
If you are weak, why do you exist in the first place? When your father brought you to existence, he ejaculated approximately 300 million sperm cells.
There was only one fertilized your mother's egg -- that was you.
You were once a mighty sperm cell.
You outdid the other millions.
See? How powerful you are.
Think positive of what you are.
Capitalize and concentrate on your strengths rather than dwelling your minds on your limitations.
Look up to others that they might serve as examples to follow, never allow them underestimate you.